Financial Statement Consolidation
Easily consolidate data from different sources.
See how our software uniquely automates consolidation and reporting for companies with multiple entities, locations, GLs, or currencies.
Simplify Financial Statement Consolidation
Data Standardization
FYIsoft integrates with any GL to import and standardize disparate data, even in environments with multiple entities or different ERPs.
Time-Saving Automation
Automate the creation of beautifully formatted, consolidated financials, removing the risk of human error and saving hours of time.
Global Currency Conversion
For global companies, CurrencyFYI translates multi-national balances into a single currency (or multiple currencies, if desired).
Automating Financial Statement Consolidation
Consolidate financials for different entities with ease - even if they have different GL systems.
FYIsoft’s technology, ConnectFYI®, is unique in the ability to not only integrate and extract financial data from any number of sources, but also automatically convert that disparate data into a standardized reporting format. This eliminates the need for manual workarounds or IT involvement every month – all without errors and dramatically shortening the financial close cycle.
ERP Integration: FYIsoft’s powerful financial reporting software integrates with your existing ERP system(s).
Data Standardization: Data is extracted from your general ledger system(s) and transformed into a standard reporting format.
Time-Saving Automation: From multi-entity consolidation to formatting, distribution, and even currency conversions, we automate the creation of beautiful, consolidated reports, saving hours of time.
For you, this means no more importing and exporting, no more spreadsheets and manual workarounds, no more errors, and no more long hours.
Schedule a demo and see how much easier and faster your financial statement consolidation process can be with FYIsoft.
Customer Interviews
Faster, Easier Financial Statement Consolidation
Multiple Companies, GLs, and Currencies
In this video, you'll gain a candid look into how FYIsoft is transforming the financial reporting and consolidation process for our customers.
Financial Statement Consolidation with Ease
Schedule a demo and see how easy it can be to consolidate financial statements with FYIsoft.